
Posts Tagged ‘low fat’

healthy breakfastMy aunt just bought me a bottle of bird’s nest soup and I wondered when was the best time to devour it. According to many studies, you should have every highly nutritional food for breakfast. That is the time when our digestive system really absorb minerals, vitamins and amino acids really well. So you surely do not want to waste off your expensive foods just like that and try to obtain all of its nutrition values. During 1 hour after get out from your bedroom, try to grab anything but high fat products to be consumed as your breakfast. It is such a waste to consume expensive nutritional foods after the breakfast because your body do not utilize it as optimum as possible. This is why people always say never ever skip your breakfast. A survey in Macquire University showed that 90% of its participants who ate breakfast in the morning for 3 months were much healthier that those who didn’t have it in term of stamina and overall well-being.

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